Fuska Biyu review — A forged Science and Speculative Work of Art

Usman Bashir Abubakar
By Usman Bashir Abubakar 4 Min Read

“Fuska Biyu” is a Hausa tale that addresses the topics of early marriage and the inequities encountered by women and girls. Halima Abdullahi K/Mashi wrote the piece. The novel is set in the city of Kano, where we first meet Aisha, the protagonist. It demonstrates how she overcame the difficulties of balancing her society’s beliefs and customs with her desires.

One of the novel’s merits is its detailed depiction of Hausa culture. The author intricately mixes Hausa cultural customs, traditions, and norms throughout the narrative, letting readers to see Kano society’s rich culture. It offers excellent insights into Hausa culture, from elaborate wedding rites to family relationships, offering readers with a deeper understanding of the region’s customs and beliefs. Furthermore, the characters in “Fuska Biyu” are expertly formed, each with their own set of challenges and ambitions. Aisha’s journey serves as a lens through which we can understand the difficulties that women endure in a patriarchal culture. The author deftly addresses issues such as gender discrimination, cultural expectations, and the need for personal agency.

The language in “Fuska Biyu” is fascinating and descriptive, helping readers to imagine the vivid locations and connect with the character’s feelings. The author’s attention to detail lends the novel reality and draws readers in, making it difficult to put the book down. The pace of tension and introspection is well-balanced throughout the novel.

In terms of topics, “Fuska Biyu” digs into the complexities of love and relationships. It investigates the opposing dynamics of planned marriages and love marriages, challenging cultural expectations and the significance of personal choice in matters of the heart. The book urges readers to ponder the delicate balance between tradition and personal fulfilment, while also emphasising the complexities of love in a culturally diverse society.

It fosters existing imbalances by depicting characters in unequal positions without calling these inequalities in question. Fuska Biyu” fails to provide a meaningful examination or critique of these critical concerns by not going into the core reasons of inequality, such as gender inequities, social class differences, or ethnic biases.

One of the major weaknesses of “Fuska Biyu” is the lack of scientific evidence to back up its depiction of early marriage and inequities. Given how popular Hausa is, literature has the potential to develop critical thinking and contribute to constructive societal change; nevertheless, without a firm foundation in evidence, the novel’s narrative risks perpetuating detrimental practises and beliefs. Authors must rely on research, evidence, and an awareness of human rights.

Furthermore, the work has fallen of its potential due to its inability to investigate the ramifications and implications of early marriage and society inequality.

It has the potential to shine a light on the detrimental consequences of these practices, to challenge cultural standards, and to encourage change. It, however, fails to capitalise on this opportunity, leaving readers without the critical scrutiny that could have generated empathy, understanding, and growth.

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