🐦 Get Me Lit: Anyone Who Eats This Bird Dies on the 7th Day

Kayode Ayobami
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🐦 Get Me Lit: Anyone Who Eats This Bird Dies on the 7th Day

Pot of Stories

A Nightmare on Death

 Ishola Abdulwasiu in Iskanchi Magazine

Segun and Wale are young boys who are fatherless. They are, most of the time, left alone to do their things when their mothers aren’t around. They use catapults to hunt birds and other times lure them inside a cage, and at the end of the day, they roast the birds to eat. But one day, they eat a seven-day bird. And anyone who eats the seven days bird will die on the seventh day.

Sir, Give Me Just a Fiver

Joao Melo in The Shallow Tales Review

In Luanda, this young man doesn’t know if he’s a displaced person or a refugee. He doesn’t know if he’s going to wake up tomorrow to kill again. He’s forever hungry. He lost his relatives and is begging for something to survive, to carry on.

Hotel Chatter

Leila Aboulela in The Shallow Tales Review

Farah and Dahlia, two mothers who juggle motherhood and work life share their experiences as mothers with children and drift into a bit of religious discourse.

Africa to the Moon

Prince Udeh in Iskanchi Magazine

In this Igbo traditional tale, a mischievous spirit charmed Akwaugo, the beautiful granddaughter of Ejelu, with an incurable curse that spikes her body.

The Beginning

Radha Zutshi Opubor in Omenana

In this gripping narrative of science fiction, the writer, a young Indian Nigerian, Opubor remembers her father and mother, the storms and the floods. She remembers the day she drowned.

Pot of Poetry

Two poems

Safia Elhillo in Frontier Poetry

not black our grandmothers insist & point

to vague & arid swathes across the map

arabia’s tribes conveniently nomadic   to place

wherever blood begins to show a touch

of dark or

Bullet Points

Jericho Brown in Poetry Foundation

I will not shoot myself

In the head, and I will not shoot myself

In the back, and I will not hang myself

With a trashbag, and if I do, 

I promise you, I will not do it

In a police car while handcuffed

Or in the jail cell

A River of Sound

Ayokunle Samuel Betiku in Rattle

The pressing frostiness of the world is felt in a clinic in Bucha,

Where a girl lies suspended between here and the hereafter

By a gunshot wound—the encroaching gloom slowly lifting

In the swaddling warmth of a lullaby

Ars Poetica with a Broken Shahada

Abu Bakr Sadiq in Palette Poetry

after a quiet walk through an empty neighborhood, bhabi tells me

that the bloodstains I’d seen strewn across

the pavements, came from bodies I’d shared playgrounds with.

Requiem for a Democracy

Samuel Adeyemi in Palette Poetry

& is it not suicidal, to be young in this land?

Each new day is a prayer to never know the

wetness of our blood;   we say, let wherever

this body touches be softer than a bullet.

Book Recommendations


Yaa Gyasi (2016)

Homegoing explores the issues of African segregation in America. The author, Yaa Gyasi gives an account of the Asante wars and the issue of slavery in Ghana. The novel explores the lifestyle of Maame’s descendants as the main characters in this book. 

Yaa Gyasi is a Ghanaian American Novelist. Homegoing is her debut novel, which won her the National Book Critics Circle’s John Leonard Award for best first book. She was awarded a Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Literature in 2020.

News & Opportunities

Splitlip Mag Submissions


Splitlip Mag has its November call for submissions and requires no submission fees. 

Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition


Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition is open for submissions with a minimum submission fee of €7 and €2,000 for the first winner.

Boston Review Annual Poetry contest


An African poet wins the 2022 Boston Review Annual Poetry contest. 

Toyin Falola Prize Shortlist


The Toyin Falola prize for 2022 shortlisted writers is out.

Ake Arts and Books Festival


Ake Arts and Books Festival starts on the 24th of November 2022.

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