The Scam of Adulthood: Navigating the Shock of Post-Childhood

Olaoluwa Adeyemi
5 Min Read
The Scam of Adulthood: Navigating the Shock of Post-Childhood


I was mistaken in thinking that adults had all the power. I believed that adults had unlimited resources and could acquire everything they desired. I didn’t want my parents to control me. There was a point when I thought I could grow money and be harvesting it whenever I needed money to make a lot of money.

Even though I am in my 20s, an adult, and a grownup, there are days when all I can think about is going back to when I was 7 and dancing in my neighbourhood with my friends.

Even if it is impossible, being a child helps you see the world from your unique perspective. There is no “correct” or “wrong” way for a child to perceive the world. Hence no one can be held responsible for perceiving the world in a specific manner. Everything was virtually ideal when I was a child.

When I watched my 5-year-old cousin playing and singing to himself for an hour, I could see the innocence and the sense that everything was going to be well. Pelumi, my friend’s 10-year-old daughter, dances as if no one is looking.

At some level, failing to accept death as a reality is a sign of rarefied ignorance. Being uninformed about sex is similar. To have an illogical belief in anything, such as Santa Claus, a tooth you threw on a roof so it will grow back, or a monster (ojuju) under the bed. In addition, there is the belief that parents have unbounded power and are good, as well as the notion that everyone can be anything they want.

Now that reality has set in, it is depressing. I may claim that both at times and not at times, I feel like an adult. It’s confusing to attempt to be an adult as a Millennial. I’m unsure if I should launch a non-profit, get another degree, create a tremendously successful business enterprise, or find a way to travel the world while making it appear effortless online.

Individuals will experience adulthood in different ways. For some, this entails moving out on your own or attending college far away. Others see it as beginning your first legitimate employment and achieving financial independence. No matter the situation, growing up entails accepting responsibility for your life. I am aware that I have the potential to be anything, but doing so would need a lot of work.

Knowing all this, I believe it is okay to feel somewhat perplexed about maturing and becoming an adult. You might never be able to enjoy the priority you formerly had under the adage “kids first” since you are now an adult. It is not realistic to grow a money tree. Thus, you will need to cease being reliant and look for employment to make money.

The expectations of the society include having children and buying property, among other things. But since we may still be who we want to be even as adults, it is not essential to live up to society’s expectations. Growing up entails getting the chance to discover oneself. Living the life of your dreams is what this is all about. It is about using your vivid childhood imagination to find reality. So, don’t ever let that chance pass. Whatever you want to be, become the person with whom your younger self would be delighted to meet.

Do not associate “growing up” with anything scary. Consider it a way to fulfill your early ambitions. You can accomplish many things as an adult but always keep your inner kid intact.

“Never lose the child inside you because doing so would mean losing who you are.”

Being Grown Up as a whole is like an Abstract painting; from a distance, you can only make out a hazy image, but up close, you can make out millions of tiny brushstrokes—uneven, erratic, but unquestionably a component of a bigger whole.





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