The highly anticipated thriller series, “Aníkúlápó: Rise of the Spectre,” a spinoff from the 2022 drama “Aníkúlápó,” had its premiere in Ikeja, Lagos on a Sunday evening, succeeding its Netflix release earlier this March. Renowned comedian Gbenga Adeyinka hosted the event at the prestigious Sheraton Hotel, with a star-studded attendance, including lead actors Kunle Remi and Bimbo Ademoye, alongside industry professionals like Aunty Ramota, Gabriel Afolayan, Sola Sobowale, and many others.
Addressing the audience, the project’s producer and director, Kunle Afolayan, revealed that the six-part series had been in development for eight years. He expressed gratitude to the cast and crew for their dedication to the project and eagerly anticipated the Netflix release on March 1st, showcasing episode one and excerpts from the remaining five episodes.
The synopsis of “Aníkúlápó: Rise of the Spectre” revolves around traveler Saro, embroiled in a race against time to fulfill a challenging task upon his return to Oyo Kingdom, aiming to avert a dreadful fate. Unlike a traditional sequel, the series serves as an extended version of the initial 2022 film, featuring both returning cast members and new faces like Layi Wasabi, Owobo Ogunde, Titi Kuti, Taiwo Hassan, and Funky Mallam.
Filmed at the Kunle Afolayan Production (KAP) Film Village in Komu-Igbojaye, Oyo State, the series involved a collaboration of over 600 individuals in the cast and crew. Exploring themes of love, betrayal, fate, spirituality, power, and revenge, “Aníkúlápó: Rise of the Spectre” is slated for a global release on Netflix on March 1, 2024.